Shotblasting machines for coiled wire, for continuous wire and single bars

The "TS-CV" type shot blasting machine is a machine designed for the treatment of mechanical pickling of wire "in line". The surface cleaning of the wire (removal of calamine and oxide) takes place by centrifugal projection of metal abrasive carried out by one or more series of turbines positioned around it.

The wire, to be treated in one pass, receives the quantity of abrasive necessary for pickling, furthermore there are two prechambers / vestibules, one before and one after shot blasting, which will prevent the accidental abrasive exit.

The metal abrasive, after the impact on the surface of the wire, is recovered together with the powder (oxide and crushed calamine) in the abrasive circulation system that also provides for the reconditioning through a counter-current washing machine.

The "TS-VM" type shot-blasting machine (that has a maximum capacity of 3000 kg) is a semi-automatic machine designed for the treatment of mechanical pickling of wire in coils with rotating door on the vertical axis and it differs from the "TS-CBM" type shot blasting machine that is designed for the treatment of mechanical pickling of wire in coils with rotating door on the horizontal axis. 

The surface cleaning of the wire (removal of calamine and oxide) takes place by means of a centrifugal projection of a metal abrasive carried out by a series of turbines (6 for the TS-VM model, 6, 8 o r10 for the TS-CBM type).

During blasting, the internal arm is rotated to uniformly present all the surfaces of the threads to the action of the abrasive jets of the turbines

The loading and unloading of the skein on the external arm takes place by fork-lift or overhead crane (supplied by the customer) during the blasting of the skein inside, therefore with dead times reduced only to the rotation of the door supporting the arms.


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